Friday, October 10, 2008

Reading VIII

HTML & Cheat Sheet & CSS
I was kinda glad that we were forced to read something about html. It is something that I one attempted to figure out, but did not put much time and effort in it. I think that it is beneficial to know about this tutorial because it gives all of the basic codes that one would need to make a basic page. I have noticed that on other html pages they tell you what to type without telling you why the code is like that. I am a big fan of explanation, so I even appreciated the really obvious explanations in the tutorial. The cheat sheet is an even more concise user friendly list. I actually think that a time will come where I use this list. The CSS tutorial was pretty nice as well. I can not stand it when tutorials or other instructions about computers just use millions of buzz words and don’t actually explain anything that a non-computer scientists can understand. This tutorial, as one student in out 2000 class so eloquently put it, explains it for the lay. Most importantly, now no one in this class has any excuse for why they do not have a fabulous myspace page.

Html article
This was one of those articles that is so filled with buzz words that I believe half of the meaning is lost to anyone who does not sleep with their computer. From what I understood, this article described some of the difficulties with html and the problems library’s have with it. The learning gap regarding library’s and current computer technology is a problem, but maybe not as big of a problem as sometimes described. I mean think about it, libraries have existed for thousands of years, and computers have not.


Rachel said...


I definitely agree that the tutorials on CSS and HTML were beneficial. I think it's fantastic that both of the tutorials took you step by step through the process--and when you practice it really works! :) It was great for me, since I was previously intimidated by HTML.

rjz said...

I feel the same way you do, Abby. As much as I would like to continue living under this rock, I feel obliged to learn about HTML and web design. Why, I cannot rightly say. Anyway, I agree that these sites are helpful guides...yet, I will keep my Myspace page nice and crappy thank you.

Monica said...

I agree. For a long time I've wanted to learn HTML but never got around to it. The repetition/heavy use of examples in both tutorials was VERY helpful, since I too was previously intimidated by HTML!

J. Dustin Williams said...

I thought the tutorials/cheat sheet were very helpful too. I also agree that the buzz words people use when talking about technology are really annoying and counterproductive. It is often a way to make it look like the writer knows more than they do. Then again, that is the case for most fields, such as library science.
That is also a good point that libraries have existed for a long time. Computers are the newcomer -- maybe they should figure out how things are supposed to work.

Denise said...

Being a person who does not sleep with their computer (bc, um, weird!) I agree that the Beyond HTML article was not for those who are not immersed in computerland. I also agree that the HTML tutorial was helpful. Super!