Monday, October 27, 2008

Readings IX

The Martin Bryan article “Introducing the Extensible Markup Language (XML)”gave a basic overview of what XML is, and why it is an important thing to know about. It was convenient that this article stated the significance right of the bat, instead of waiting until the very end like some of the other articles that we have read, so that overall, the technical terminology was easier to compute.
Uche Ogbuji’s articles offered a much more technical description of XML. It allowed for those who were not that familiar with the subject to become familiar, as well as for those who were more advanced, to learn more. Some of the links on that page were completely over my head, but from what I understood, between buzz words, this series of links complimented Bryan well.
I am, in general, a big fan of tutorials. I liked the two tutorials because they allowed for an application of the information from the previous two links. They are a good way of seeing if you actually absorbed any of the material from the articles.
Once again, these are handy resources to know about. I doubt, other than in this class, that I am going to be using/talking about any hardcore XML anytime soon, but if I did, I would at least now have something to say about it.


Anonymous said...

Hi Abby! I agree with you about the tutorials being handy...unfortunately I still am pretty lost when it goes past the basic idea of what XML can do for us. All I know is, it's important and complicated!

Denise said...

I third that tutorials are sweet. And I hope you're right that encountering crazy-deep conversations about XML do not happen often in the future. I fear I would be lost...