Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Readings II

Computer Hardware-

This Wikipedia site did not really offer any new information to me. The terms on the site were things that I have been expected to know and at least have a basic understanding of for many years. If anything, it was a concise refresher that assured me that I was not completely technologically incompetent.

Moore’s Law-

Moore’s Law is an interesting concept that I actually had not heard of before. To clarify that last sentence further, I do understand the concept; I just never knew the title of it. In fact I actually did not think it would have really been a concept for some reason. It just seems like something everyone already knows. As we advance, so does technology (well for things that concern this class at least). Moore’s Law is sort of disconcerting because if trends keep up, computers will actually be competing against humans instead of working with them.

Computer Museum-

This site has a couple of links that go well with Moore’s law and explain the entire Wikipedia article in a series of several pictures. It was helpful in that it gave some very detailed timelines and had lots information about computers, conveniently located on one page. I could see it potentially being a helpful source to know about one day, but it is not a museum that I would voluntarily travel to.


Anonymous said...

Hi! It seems that we think alike on these articles...
Yeah, Moore's Law is kind of scary when you really think about it. I already wonder, perhaps ever worry where we will be in 20years, how will we think of computers and as you mentioned, will we eventually be competing? *shudder*, Like you the Wikipedia information we went over was a refresher and that's about it.

IIT 2600 said...

The article did also say that Moore's Law will not be able to be kept up indefinately. So there will be a limit, eventually. Maybe in 70 years.